Monday, July 29, 2013

Upcoming Trip Information

Hello Everyone!

It was great talking today on the conference call. I'm very excited to be able to help you all have a great time playing baseball in Japan for WCBF 2013! I'll be posting information and updates on this blog so be sure to keep an eye on it as our trip goes on. I'll have access to email overseas so please send me any questions that you have. 

To start with, I've included some information that will be helpful in planning and referencing our upcoming trip. 

Flight Schedules

LA Departures

Aug. 17 (Sat) Depart Los Angeles LAX on Japan Airlines #61 at 1:40 PM
 - Mary Bowman with parent Brian Bowman depart RDU for LAX
 - Ryan Lansing with parent Roger Lansing depart JFK for LAX
 - Ethan Roberts with parent Brandy Roberts depart Pensacola on Airtrans #482 at 11:01AM, arrive Atlanta 1:09PM. Depart ATL on Airtrans/Southwest #5846) at 2PM, arrive LAX 3:40PM

Aug. 18 (Sun) Arrive Tokyo/Narita NRT at 4:50 PM
Depart Tokyo/Haneda HND on Japan Airlines #1285 at 7:55 PM
arrive Komatsu KMQ at 8:55 PM

Aug. 18 (Sun) Participants Arrive, Registration and Orientation Japanese Group Initial Meeting Distribution of Baseball Equipments

Teams Arrive for the International Exchange Games

All Participating Children will receive the following:

- Baseball uniform
- Baseball undershirt
- Baseball belt
- Baseball stockings
- Baseball socks
- Baseball cap and helmet
- Baseball bat
- Baseball glove
- Baseball cleats
- Baseball gear bag (Big enough to carry above items.)
- 4 WCBF t-shirts
- 3 pairs of Shorts
*Children use those items during the baseball clinics so please do not bring baseball gear they usually
use at home.

*Chaperone will receive 3 WCBF t-shirts, 2 pair of shorts, and a cap.

Participating Children & Chaperone Should Bring:

- Passport!
- One pair of running shoes/sneakers
- A pair of sandals / flip flops (like you use for the beach ) for inside the dormitory. Please clean them before you pack. (In Japan it's very common to remove your shoes when entering inside, especially homes and private space. Inside, they wear slippers, which are never worn outside. These sandals/flip flops you're being asked to bring should be for INSIDE USE ONLY. Please don't wear them outside!)
- A few clothes (see further advice from Barry below) Shirts, shorts/skirts, jacket, underwear, socks, pajamas etc. (recommend at least 5 pairs underwear - see 6. Laundry below)
- Long sleeved shirt / sweatshirt. (it may be cool at night and early morning and inside buildings)
- towels including Bath towel
- bathing suit (you might need one when you use the shared bathroom at the dorm)
- Personal Toiletries / hygiene items
(The bathroom will be equipped with shampoo it is not necessary to bring your own)
(The climate in Fukui will be hot & humid 27-35 deg C / 80-95 deg F or even more! So do not forget to bring sunscreen.)
- Medicine you normally take (If necessary)

Suggested items:
- Some small inexpensive gifts to exchange, and your name card with your picture and contact information will be useful to share with new friends. (Just a recommendation)
- Chaperones – please bring your baseball glove (if you have one). It will be helpful during the baseball clinics.
- As you see from the list, the children will receive many items that they will be able to bring home with them. Please pack light, and use ONE big suitcase with plenty of empty space so there will be room for their new WCBF items.

Event Schedule 

Aug. 16 (Fri) USA kids arrive LA various dates and times 
-Mary Bowman with parent Brian Bowman depart RDU for LAX
-Ryan Lansing with parent Roger Lansing depart JFK for LAX
-Ethan Roberts with parent Brandy Roberts depart Pensacola on Airtrans#482 at 11:01AM,
arrive Atlanta 1:09PM. Depart ATL on Airtrans/Southwest#5846) at 2PM, arrive LAX 3:40PM

Aug. 17 (Sat) Depart Los Angeles LAX on Japan Airlines #61 at 1:40 PM

Aug. 18 (Sun) Arrive Tokyo/Narita NRT at 4:50 PM
Depart Tokyo/Haneda HND on Japan Airlines #1285 at 7:55 PM
arrive Komatsu KMQ at 8:55 PM
- Participants Arrive, Registration and Orientation Japanese Group Initial Meeting
- Distribution of Baseball Equipments
- Teams Arrive for the International Exchange Games

Aug. 19 (Mon)
Distribution of Baseball Equipment
13:0015:00 Practice (Only teams for the International Exchange Games.)
14:3016:00 Briefing by IBAF Head Coach
17:0019:00 Welcome Party (Hotel Hirose, Mihama city)

Aug. 20 (Tue)
9:0010:25 Photo Session
10:3011:30 Opening Ceremony (Tsuruga city General Athletic Stadium Baseball Field)
12:1515:45 Exchange Game #1 (Tsuruga city General Athletic Stadium Baseball Field)
13:0015:30 Baseball Clinic, Day 1
(Tsuruga city General Athletic Stadium – Multipurpose Field)
(Tsuruga city General Athletic Stadium Athletic Field

Aug. 21 (Wed)
9:0012:00 Baseball Clinic, Day 2 (Baseball Field & Multipurpose Field)
13:3016:00 Sea Bream Fishing and Food Education BBQ (Obama city)
9:0012:00 Exchange Game #2 (Ohi General Athletic Stadium Baseball Field)
13:3016:00 BBQ and Zazen Meditation (Takahama town)

Aug. 22 (Thu)
9:0012:00 Baseball Clinic, Day 3 (Baseball Field & Multipurpose Field)
13:3016:00 Ground Golf (Mihama town)
9:0012:30 Exchange Game #3 (Ohi General Athletic Stadium Baseball Field)
13:3016:00 Beach Net Fishing and Fish Cooking (Ohi town)

Aug. 23 (Fri)
9:0012:00 Baseball Clinic, Day 4 (Baseball Field & Multipurpose Field)
9:3013:00 Exchange Game #4 (Mihama General Athletic Stadium Baseball Field)
13:3016:00 Tour of Fukui Prefectural Dinosaur Museum

Aug. 24 (Sat)
9:0012:00 Baseball Clinic, Day 5 (Baseball Field & Multipurpose Field)
13:3016:00 Challenge Ranking (Mini-Game Tournament) (Tsuruga city)
9:0012:30 Exchange Game #5 (Mihama General Athletic Stadium Baseball Field)
13:3016:00 Ground Golf (Wakasa town)
18:0020:00 Goodwill Party (Hotel New Sunpia Tsuruga)
19:0021:00 VIP Banquet (Hotel New Sunpia Tsuruga)

Aug. 25 (Sun)
9:0012:00 Baseball Clinic, Day 6 (Multipurpose Field & Athletic Field)
9:0012:00 Exchange Game #6 (Tsuruga city General Athletic Stadium Baseball Field)
13:0013:20 Tree Planting Ceremony (Tsuruga city General Athletic Stadium Baseball Field)
13:3014:30 Closing Ceremony (Tsuruga city General Athletic Stadium Baseball Field)

Aug. 26 (Mon)
All Participants Depart =(
USA Group: depart Komatsu KMQ on Japan Airlines #1286 at 11:45 AM
arrive Tokyo/Haneda HND at 12:55 PM
depart Tokyo/Narita NRT on Japan Airlines #62 at 5:25 PM

arrive Los Angeles LAX at 11:35 AM on August 26th

Other Matters:

1. Transportation
a) All transportation in Japan (mostly Bus) will be arranged by WCBF.
b) It takes about two hours by bus to get to the fair site from Komatsu Airport (KMQ).

2. Dormitory
a) Valuables ( Passports, air tickets, etc ) should be kept in the lockers (if available) with key
at the Headquarters. Chaperones are requested to take care of them.
b) Drinks and foods are not permitted on beds at all.
c) Only adults are permitted to open the windows in the bedrooms, for safety reasons. The last person who leaves a bedroom should check and make sure the windows are closed and lights are out.

3. Meals
a) Meals are served on a self service basis.
b) Eat only in the cafeteria.
c) When you finish eating, clean the table and remove dishes as instructed.

4. Bathing
a) Everybody uses the public bathroom.
b) Remove your shoes before you enter the bathroom.
c) Wash your body clean before you enter the bathtub.
d) The bathroom is big and the floor is wet so DO NOT RUN or you know what happens! It’s
slippery and we don’t want you to injure yourself or anyone else.
e) Do not swim in the bathtub.
f) Do not pull out the plug of bathtub.
g) When you use equipment of the bathroom put everything back after using.
h) You are not allowed to get into bathtub with a bathing suit on.
More info on Japanese baths:
Baths are for relaxing; the body and hair must be thoroughly scrubbed and all soap removed before entering the bathtub or お風呂(ofuro). This is normally done at a small faucet or shower located in the same room as the tub, while seated on a small stool. Traditionally, the tub water would be used to wash the body by scooping it up with the provided scoop. The traditional shape of the tub is smaller and deeper than is common in Western homes. A traditional Japanese bathtub is square, and deep enough that the water will cover the shoulders, but requires the bather to sit with the knees drawn up to the chest. Newer bathtubs are more like the western shape. Rather than being drained at the end of each bath, the water is kept warm by means of special heaters, and the same water is used
by all the family members. [from Wikipedia]

5. Toilet
a) Do not use other paper than is provided there.
b) Flush everything down when you finish (including toilet paper.)
You may come across squat style toilets in some locations. Please don’t be afraid! (You might want to practice, so you can figure out how to keep your clothes out of the way and dry, but not touching the floor which might be wet.)

6. Laundry -
a) Laundry service will be provided so please write your name, country, and WCBF ID
number which you will receive in Fukui at registration on your clothes (underwear and socks, too!).
b) There might be some clothes which cannot go to the laundry service such as underwear,
personal clothes, and towels. In that case, the chaperone will need to take care of it at the Laundry machines. (They stay 8 nights. It is recommended to bring 5 pairs or more underwear just in case they miss laundry.)

7. Baseball Clinics
a) Baseball clinics are about half a day, every day, in hot and humid conditions. Make sure you get good rest and sleep well during the night. During the clinics there will be water stations and water brakes. Make sure to drink plenty of water at all opportunities to avoid any problems with possible heat exhaustion.

8. Personal cash
There will be very little time to spend personal money during the event, however in case you would like to buy some souvenirs for your family at home you may want to take some cash. We suggest $100 at most will be plenty enough, which should be held by the chaperone for safekeeping. You will probably spend much less. Also, we recommend exchanging money to JP¥ before they depart. There is a bank to exchange at the Airport in Tokyo for your options but you cannot expect spending long time at the airports.
You may need some cash during traveling to and from the event flights for meals/snacks - most domestic flights don't provide free meals anymore so be prepared to purchase something at the airport, on the plane, or bring something. Also for the domestic flights you may need money for checking in your luggage.

9. Others
a) Wireless Internet connection will be available at the dorm.
b) It is NOT allowed for the children to bring cell-phones to the Fair.
c) Participants will be able to buy Calling Cards to make international call.
d) Chaperones are allowed to bring a cell-phone, however, letting children talk to their
parents long through SKYPE or other internet phones will not be very welcomed. It can make other children miss their parents more if they see it. Please try it secretly if it is necessary.

I look forward to seeing you all soon!
