Friday, August 23, 2013

Baseball Clinic Day 4 and Dinosaur Museum, Friday, August 23rd

Aug. 23 (Fri)

Here is our schedule for today: 

9:0012:00 Baseball Clinic, Day 4 (Baseball Field & Multipurpose Field)
9:3013:00 Exchange Game #4 (Mihama General Athletic Stadium – Baseball Field)
13:3016:00 Tour of Fukui Prefectural Dinosaur Museum

On our way to the baseball field via bus, Ryan and the crew have fallen in love with a Japanese sports drink called "Super H2O". Here Ryan is doing his part to show his appreciation of Super H2O to bring it to the States. 

Once we got to the field for the 4th Clinic Day, we started running to warm ourselves up after a nice stretch. I of course took the running seriously, Emma however, well was Emma. 

We then practiced throwing the ball and used a crouching position to keep our bodies balanced. 

Next the kids practiced their throwing in a situation of trying to tag out a runner, I was lucky enough to be picked to run between bases and have them try to tag me out. 

We also had a really cool station where we learned about batting and had an opportunity to work on swinging at some easy pitches to work on our technique. 

Here is our Coach explaining to us how to hit over the plate. 

The last station of the day was learning how to slide, which was the best station of them all because we learned on a wet tarp that was like a slip n' slide into the bases. We of course, loved it and agreed that it was the best thing we had done so far!

After our Clinic was done, we loaded on a bus and had a bento box lunch and headed to the dinosaur museum, which was 2 hours away. Meanwhile, here are a few pictures of the views we had of the Fukui region. 

This of course was not a native and what I had to sit next to for the ride, we had fun singing songs and being goofy as usual. 

Here is the entrance to the Dinosaur Museum, which was a building in the shape of an egg. 

 This was the view when we looked up. 

Here are a few of the Japanese kids that we play with everyday, they are big fans of the Americans. 

They had some very funny cartoon people there too. You may recognize a few of them. 

This T-Rex actually moved around and would roar at the people walking by, it was pretty cool. 

Here is our crew checking out some dinosaur bones and enjoying all the cool sights to see in this big museum. 

This is the group of kids from the Netherlands, they are on our bus as well and are learning many english words. 


  1. Wow! that was a big day! I remember seeing the sliding practice in the previous years photos. I can see why that was the best. So glad to see that Emma took her camera with her, can't wait to see her photos too. LOVE the photo of "Ethanna!" Again, Thank you John for keeping us up to date.

  2. Love the photos. Thanks so much, John. Those of us "stuck" here in the States are getting a chance to live vicariously through your blogposts and photos. Keep 'em coming! Looks like everyone is having a great time!

  3. John, please remind Ryan that he ought to be wearing his sports glasses....

  4. Awesome John! Thank you SO MUCH for sharing.

  5. What a great experience. I still can't believe how lucky these kids are and I know they will remember this for the rest of their lives!! Thanks John for letting us "live it" along with them in spirit!

  6. John - It looks like the assistant with the hose particularly enjoyed your participation in the head first sliding drill! Have you dried out yet?

  7. Hi John - just had a thought... see if the kids would be interested in having people sign one of their WCBF shirts with sharpies! Emma and her teammates usually do this at the end of the season on their jerseys. Thought it would be a fun memory to have.
