Tuesday, August 20, 2013

Opening Cermony and Baseball Clinic 1 Tues, August 20th

Aug. 20 (Tue)

We were able to wake up again at 6am, pretty impressive for me at least. 

Here is our schedule for today. 
7-8am ~ Breakfast
8-8:30 ~ Bus ride to Baseball field
9:0010:25 Photo Session
10:3011:30 Opening Ceremony (Tsuruga city General Athletic Stadium – Baseball Field)
12:1515:45 Exchange Game #1 (Tsuruga city General Athletic Stadium – Baseball Field)
13:0015:30 Baseball Clinic, Day 1
(Tsuruga city General Athletic Stadium – Multipurpose Field)
(Tsuruga city General Athletic Stadium – Athletic Field

Breakfast with the Kids

Here's Ryan, eating some of his new breakfast items, fried chicken nuggets, eggs, rice and bread. 
Ethan's getting much better with chopsticks.

Mary and Emma, being silly as usual. 

 Kayla hanging out with her soy sauce and rice. 

This is our tough look. 

Baseball Clinic Day 1

Emma playing catch with Mary. 

Here the coach is teaching the children how to hit the ball as well as how to avoid getting hit with a loose ball.  

Note: The internet here is really slow and so uploading pictures and even saving takes forever, so this blog is running a bit behind, but I'll do my best to keep it updated as we go. 

More pictures can be found at the WCBF Japan site here: 


  1. You're doing great, John, thanks! Tell Ryan, Mary, Ethan, Kayla and Emma that we say hello!

  2. The pictures are great John!! Thank you so much for doing this. I have shared the blog with all my friends and family and we just love catching up with what the kids are doing!

  3. NO, John, your blog is awesome! I get up in the morning and run to my computer to see what you have posted the day before! I love it!! I've got my family checking in on it as well. Thanks so much for keeping us up to date!

    Looks like an amazing time!

  4. Why couldn't -I- go! This looks like so much fun!

    I'm going to have to do a crazy internet search tonight... I see Mary being interviewed on camera... I'm glad they are getting to eat local food there. Ethan eating sushi looked priceless!

  5. John, sounds like you guys are having a real good time. Make sure all the kids drink water.
