Thursday, August 22, 2013

Baseball Clinic day 2 and Fishing, Weds, August 21st

Aug. 21 (Wed)
9:0012:00 Baseball Clinic, Day 2 (Baseball Field & Multipurpose Field)
13:3016:00 Sea Bream Fishing and Food Education BBQ (Obama city)
9:0012:00 Exchange Game #2 (Ohi General Athletic Stadium – Baseball Field)
13:3016:00 BBQ and Zazen Meditation (Takahama town)

Here is our first real clinic with Coach Angel Bonilla where he taught us how to catch pitches. 

Kayla all decked out in her catchers gear. 

Here we are listening to the last coach explaining the basics of how to hit. 

Then we got to play a game. 

We also got to go fishing!!!

Emma could catch the fish but wanted nothing to do with cleaning and cutting it, she let me take over shortly after this photo. 

Mary with her prized catch, she had the first catch of the USA group. 

Kayla with her prized catch and a big smile on her face, which was quite a relief to see because she was crying earlier about really not wanting to kill a fish. I talked her through it telling her she didn't have to if she didn't want to. I think she was more excited when she got to play with the fish. 

We all learned how to filet, gut, clean and cut a fresh caught fish. I believe these fish were called Sea Bream. 

The next generation of sashimi chefs. 

About to eat our fish. 

This is me right before eating a fish eye, it surprisingly didn't taste like fish at all. 


  1. Wow. That's a heck of a day! John, you are welcome to let my daughter know I am looking at the pictures, and would love for her to simply smile...

    1. Her Aunt Barb says the same thing.... What a goofy kid! But she sure has fun wherever she goes.

  2. Wow! Yeah, Emma likes to fish, but she always throws the little guys back in the water. : ) Did she have to leave the room or something? She isn't in any photos after the fish filleting. I'm sure she didn't try to eat it either.... Great photos! Thanks John!

  3. Yeah Kayla loves animals but I never thought she'd cry over a fish! she loves sushi!! Thanks for the pics John, they are great!! Please remind Kayla to write in her journal - every night!!

  4. @Brian, great I'll be sure to let her know that you are seeing her pictures.
    @ Lauri, Emma was a little squirmish and wanted to leave the room so she went to hang out with the Australian girls that also weren't big fans.
    @ Beth, I haven't seen her write in her journal but I'll definitely remind her.
