Saturday, August 24, 2013

Baseball Clinic Day 5, Challenge Games, Goodwill Party and Performance! Saturday, August 24th

Aug. 24 (Sat)

Here is our big schedule for today:

9:0012:00 Baseball Clinic, Day 5 (Baseball Field & Multipurpose Field)
13:3016:00 Challenge Ranking (Mini-Game Tournament) (Tsuruga city)
9:0012:30 Exchange Game #5 (Mihama General Athletic Stadium – Baseball Field)
13:3016:00 Ground Golf (Wakasa town)
18:0020:00 Goodwill Party (Hotel New Sunpia Tsuruga)
19:0021:00 VIP Banquet (Hotel New Sunpia Tsuruga)

Today was a very long but awesome day, we had a great clinic and then played some Japanese Challenge games to compete for little prizes. We also had the Goodwill party a pretty fancy Japanese hotel and of course there is where we performed our well rehearsed skit/dance performance. Then we got back to the Center and all the kids were signing autographs on their shirts and hats to remember all of their new friends by. 

Baseball Clinic

Challenge Games

Goodwill Party

Here we are in the morning getting ready for our Clinic with our daily song "its a great day for baseball" lead by Coach Angel Bonilla.

We had a really cool drill that we rant today on how to make double plays that taught us how to pitch it to second and how to throw it to first quickly.

We also had an awesome drill where we learned how to steal. 

Then at the end of each Clinic day, we play a game, here we are getting ready to play. Emma and Mary have their game faces on. Maki, our WCBF host staff, is helping them get amped up.

Lunch Time

Ryan is getting pretty good with chopsticks. 

And so is Ethan. 

Maki has some awesome art skills that makes keeping track of our drinking cups extra fun.  

Challenge Games

For our Challenge Games, we were assigned a little Japanese girl named Kana to walk us around to all of our stations so that we could compete in them. She was 7 years old and very cute and friendly.

Here is our first game which challenged us to build a tower out of film bottles using as many as we could for 1 minute. 

A very impressive tower from the Japanese team. 

We also had some paper and pencil challenges, this one was a challenge of remembering patterns of circles and Xs quickly.

Here we are taking a large group photo at the end of the umbrella balancing challenge. 

This challenge was to move as many beans from one plate to the other using two very flimsy sticks. 

This challenge was called W-Jump Rope, because two people jump at the same time. 

Ethan and I did pretty good at this, Mary and I did pretty poor, but Mary and Maki did good. 

Here we are taking a team photo after our balance challenge, this challenge was to hold your foot with one hand and close your eyes. The longest standing wins. I was pretty good at this and the kids fell over almost immediately, but then I told them the secret and they did good. 

GoodWill Party

We were ready to have fun.

So much Super H2O!!

I'm a big dessert fan, so I thought I'd get a nice photo of the cool Japanese desserts that they were serving.

They made a really nice 10 minute video of our activities so far. It was a lot of fun for the kids to watch themselves and others having fun doing things they just did. 

We shared a table with Germany and Japan.

After our performance we were asked to take tons of pictures with a bunch of people, it was fun but we were ready to go. 

I have a video of our performance, but its pretty big as a file and will take forever to upload from here, I'll try to post it when I have more time. Until tomorrow, goodnight. 


  1. John,
    Looks like another great day! We are so glad that TeamUSA is having such a wonderful time. We can't wait to see Ryan and miss him terribly, but this has been such an incredible opportunity for each of them. Thanks for taking such great care of our kids!

  2. Safe travels everyone! I have so very much enjoyed peeking in your adventure of a lifetime!
