Sunday, August 18, 2013

Our First Day, Monday, August 19th

Aug. 19 (Mon)

I took a look at our schedule last night and we are supposed to be up at 6AM. Luckily, we were all so tired last night that we went to bed right when we arrived around 11:00pm. I was up at 5:30am and so were most of the other kids as well. Breakfast is at 7:00 or 7:30am and I cannot wait because I am a big breakfast person. 

Here is our schedule for today. 

7:30 ~ breakfast 
9:30 ~ Distribution of Baseball Equipment
13:0015:00 Practice (Only teams for the International Exchange Games.)
14:3016:00 Briefing by IBAF Head Coach
17:0019:00 Welcome Party (Hotel Hirose, Mihama city)

After breakfast they shared items and traded little trinkets with children from other countries. My favorite were the Germans because they gave us Haribo gummi bears. 

I told the kids that the distribution of equipment is like Christmas in August in Japan for baseball at WCBF. They loved that saying and have been using it all day. 

Here we are before, super excited to get our equipment. 

And here we are all decked out in the new equipment. They loved the bats, pants, jerseys, cleats, bag, helmet, cap, shirts, shorts, and glove they received. The best part is they really appreciate what they are receiving and that's the best part because they'll be treasuring each moment. 

Almost lunch time now so until then...

After lunch the kids wanted to play out side a bit so we threw some balls around and played catch. 

we practiced our performance a bit and wrote some lyrics for our WCBF song to the tune of the YMCA. 


  1. So happy (and relieved) to hear from you all! I loved looking at the photos; thank you John! Have a great first day at WCBF!

  2. They look great! 6 hours of sleep, and they are all smiles! What a great experience...

  3. Great pics and great updates. John, you are the Man! Keep feeding us these images and this info, loving every bit of it. - Roger & Wendy

  4. Can't stop looking at the pictures. Makes me smile to see them all having so much fun!

  5. A big thanks John from the German parents. Great that you liked the German candy, your blog diary is also a pleasure for us. I guess our kids are experiencing almost the same as yours, so we will enjoy your stories the next days, too.
    Rob (Dad of Rickert)

  6. You are all very welcome! The blog is a great way for me to show how our days are going and the fun times we are having in a quick and hypothetically easy way, if the internet wasn't so sloooooow where we are staying at. I'm having fun updating it but our days are long and busy and there isn't too much time so I'll do my best to update it.

    1. ... yeah, I can imagine you would like to do something else than hanging around late in the evening to get the photos uploaded ... the more we appreciate it, John!
